Extreme Military Challenge Military Summer Camp
Military Summer Camp, Extreme Military Challenge, Army Summer Camp, Military Adventure Camp, Military Summer Program.

XMC Military Summer Camp Home Page
Military Summer Camp, Extreme Military Challenge, Army Summer Camp, Military Adventure Camp, Military Summer Program.
Extreme Military Challenge Military Summer Camp
Courses Go to ENROLL NOW above for pricing and discounts.
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Cadet Basic Training (CBT) is a two-week, high-adventure, introduction to military life. You will train, sweat and find your inner-strength with other young people from around the world.
Recruits are led by seasoned Drill Instructors (DoD generic term) from the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force. The Drill Instructors instill a high level of personal pride, self-discipline and internal confidence in each recruit. This is not an easy course and is intended for teens who want to challenge themselves.
This is an excellent opportunity to experience the military lifestyle as a primer for the possibility of future military service or attendance at a Service Academy.
Highlights of CBT include marksmanship training, water survival training, rappelling, obstacle courses, self-defense training, and a formal Graduation Ceremony as the final event. This is the closest to real U.S. military boot camp that a teenager can experience without actually enlisting. Participants will be able to make an informed decision about a military career by the end.
To learn more we suggest viewing the video at the top of the page as well as reading the Admissions Guide on the Home Page.

4 Weeks, click Enrollment System above for dates.
This is a combined course with our Cadet Basic Training and Cadet Field Leader Course.
The Cadet Field Leader Course (CFLC) is a two-week basic leadership program, based on the Army's Warrior Leader Course. Cadets are exposed to leadership traits and principles, while also working to develop an awareness of how they fit into a team.
CBT+CFLC is the course combo that fills quickest each year, with only 85 spots available. We recommend this course for anyone age 14+. For more information please read the Admissions Guide. Videos and photos from each summer can be viewed on our Facebook.com/XMCCamp page.